The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is located in West Africa, between latitudes 15 and 27 north, and longitudes 5 and 17 west, and occupies an area of 1,030,700 km2, bordered by the Republic of Senegal to the southwest, and the Republic of Mali to the southeast and east, Algeria is in the northeast, and the Western Sahara is in the northwest.
Mauritania is bordered on the west by the Atlantic Ocean, and its coasts extend from Indiagou in the south, to Nouadhibou in the north, with a length of approximately 600 km.
Official name: Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Independence: November 28, 1960
Religion: Islam (the state religion)
– Languages: Arabic (the official language), Pularian, Soninke, and Wolof
Area: 1030,700 square kilometers
– The main cities: Nouakchott (the country’s capital), Nouadhibou, Nema, Kiffa, Aioune, Kaedi, Aleg, Rosso, Atar, Selibaby, Zouerate, Tidjikja, Akjoujt.
- Currency: the ounce (1 dollar = 37 new ouguiya)
- Population: 4.42 million
- Density: 4.29 people/km²
- Population growth rate: 2.7%
- Average age: 63 years
- Gross domestic product at current prices: 228.4 billion new ouguiya
- Annual GDP growth rate: +6.3%
President of the Republic: Mr. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, who was inaugurated on August 1, 2019.
At the present time, the Mauritanians are working on their economic emancipation and the consolidation of their national unity and at the same time they play their undivided role as their ancestors did before. Indeed, as a result of their geographical location as a link between the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa, these inhabitants have existed since the middle Ages and are still following up with their noble mission as publishers and advocates of pure, tolerant Islam.
Mauritania belongs to the African Union, the Arab League, and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Arab Maghreb Union, the International Francophone Organization, and the United Nations. It is also a founding member of the Five Sahel Group, which was established in Nouakchott on February 16, 2014, and includes five countries: (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad).