His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Mauritanians Abroad, Mr. Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, called today, Monday, during his country’s speech before the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York , to redouble efforts to confront the challenges facing the world related to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and to try to mitigate these effects on poor countries and fragile economies, by accelerating the pace of vaccination on the one hand and supporting those economies on the other.
Below is the text of the speech:
Mister President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The convening of this GA session represents an opportunity to study ways to raise the performance of our organization to achieve the sustainable development goals, which aim to address the major challenges related to the environment, climate, health, education, security, stability and development.
From this standpoint, His Excellency President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El-Ghazwani announced a holistic economic take-off plan, which seeks to address the negative effects and overcome the challenges and constraints of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is an integrated economic program aimed at achieving the necessary conditions for a new economic recovery that gives the private sector the space and incentives to play a key role. This program aims at creating more job opportunities and conditions for an optimal use of our natural resources in the fields of agriculture, animal development, mining and fisheries.
Among the main themes of this program are the following:
– Strengthening infrastructure that supports growth;
– Strengthening the capacities of the social sectors and supporting demand;
– Upgrading and supporting the productive sectors to achieve food self-sufficiency;
– Supporting the formal and informal private sectors;
– Combating desertification and drought;
– and supporting employment opportunities.
This program is implemented in parallel with other programs within the government’s plan, launched by the General Delegation for National Solidarity and Anti-Exclusion (t’azur), which aims to combat various forms of fragility, and to ensure universal access to basic services such as electricity, drinking water, health and education, combating poverty and promoting social solidarity.
Work is also being done to train and equip the young people with necessary skills to enable them to enter the labor market and contribute to the development of the national economy; as well as to enable women to play their role by involving them strongly in political life and the conduct of public affairs, and work to consolidate the principle of separation of powers and independence of the judiciary, and to consolidate national unity and strengthen social cohesion, and to appease political life through extensive consultations with various national actors, building the rule of law and freedoms and laying the foundations of good governance.