The arable land in Mauritania is estimated at more than 500 thousand hectares, of which 140 thousand are irrigable land on the Mauritanian side of the Senegal River, of which 46 thousand hectares have been reclaimed so far.
Agriculture in Mauritania varies between rice, wheat and various types of grains, in addition to sugar cane, vegetables, legumes, citrus fruits, oilseeds, and fruits.
Large investments in the field of agricultural reclamation and the extension of irrigation and electricity networks will allow to increase and diversify production and improve productivity in this sector.
Investing in Mauritania: promising opportunities and simplified procedures
The Mauritanian economy is characterized by liberalism; and that it is open to all without exception; The investment projects in it are given special care and protection. The investor also enjoys important privileges, and this promising economy provides; Tremendous opportunities in diverse sectors; And a trained workforce with acceptable wages.
The Mauritanian government has taken many measures to improve the business climate. An investment code has been adopted, and the public procurement and trade codes have been revised. establishing a single window and an arbitration and mediation center; These measures enabled our country to rank among the ten most reformed countries in the field of business climate in 2015, as it advanced by 10 points on the index prepared annually by the World Bank.